Learn Italian & Actually Make it Stick

Learning any new language requires consistent practice and reinforcement especially if you are not currently living in a country with that native language. I have always struggled with finding the best ways to make my Italian stick and I am happy to share the most effective methods that I have used for years. Learn Italian (or any language) and make it stick this time. 


I use duo lingo for a few minutes when waiting in line at Starbucks or on the subway to work. Instead of browsing Instagram use these moments to practice Italian and you will notice how much you learn after a few consistent weeks.


It’s no secret I am a huge movie fan. I always watch Italian movies, even ones in a certain dialect, with the English subtitles. This will help reinforce the Italian words you are hearing with their meaning in English. I still remember one of the first words I learned from La Dolca Vita β€“ tombola! Check out my list of favorite Italian classics here


We live in the digital age so why not use it to your advantage? I follow countless Italian influencers and friends who are constantly speaking Italian on their Instagram stories, daily. The more you hear the language the more you will retain it. You can also follow Italian companies, brands, restaurants or even join private groups on Facebook that can reinforce the essential, everyday Italian words.  


My favorite method is to speak to someone who was born and raised in Italy. Attend Italian groups and events in your city and make a point to speak to anyone who is Italian. This can be extremely intimidating, but most people are very kind and would love chat with you. You can make genuine connections and even friends who would welcome the opportunity to speak in their native language. Join dating apps that have an option to set your location to Italy and text away. This will reinforce casual Italian conversation that is not taught in a classroom..


From personal experience, dating an Italian has proven to be the best method in improving your Italian. Do it. At least once. If not only to learn a romance language. 


The Italian Files Book Club


Practice Italian with the Classics