She’s Back

Who was it that said great writers never actually want to write? Because if that’s true I must be award winning. Still, despite my procrastination, today marks the first day I’ve started writing again in God knows how long. A good plate of amatriciana and a glass of the house white can make miracles happen. 

And what do you ask has driven me back to put pen to paper once again? It could be the fact that I’m finally in a place where I want to share some gems of recent experience. It could be that my love life has been somewhat of a reality show gone wrong with stories that can serve as a what NOT to do. Or it could be that I’m spending most of my days as a single freshly minted thirty-year-old in the incredibly romantic city of Rome. A place so inspiring on its own is a source for untapped inspiration. 

I’m a bit rusty but I am finally ready to share these fun and sometimes embarrassing situations I find myself in. Yes, to laugh with me but hopefully to also provide a little guidance when it comes to dating. I promise you it will be nothing close to best-selling literature but I am sure you will be entertained by some of these crazy/funny/sad life experiences to date.

Be prepared to laugh, fiercely judge and ask yourself, “what in the hell was she thinking?”

Very soon.  x


Summer Sneakers 2022


The Italian Files Book Club